happy to be me

Posts tagged ‘toddler snack’

Toddler snacks inspired by pinterest

Hello my name is Samantha and I’m addicted to Pinterest!!
I love finding fun snack ideas for my toddler and here are a few I love!…

My son is allergic to peanut butter but for those of you who have ones without allergies this is a fun way to eat your snack.

This hungry caterpillar is adorable and helps encourage your little ones to eat a healthy snack!

Cute and deliciously eggs, a really great Easter idea!

Strawberries are delicious but with this excellent toppings and a stick to hold it makes for a fun and amazing snack!
Pinterest has many ideas these are just a few that caught my eye right off the bat! Also these next two photos would be great for play group/party/get together… Let me in on some cool snack ideas if you have any! 🙂

