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Posts tagged ‘car seat’

Car Seat Cover

I highly recommend a car seat cover.

It’s adorable to peek through the little hole at them and they’re very practical.

This blanket style design replaces huge jackets and loose blankets!

This weather resistant cover is perfect for sun, rain, snow and wind!

We live in Alaska and used ours for months, when I would bring his car seat into the store he could stay asleep thanks to the cover that kept it dark inside!

These car seat covers can be purchased on Amazon for just under $20 http://www.amazon.com/dp/B005CV4D0K/ref=as_li_tf_til?tag=tmim-20&camp=0&creative=0&linkCode=as1&creativeASIN=B005CV4D0K&adid=1XZXT2PF6Z7NNSDGXD63