happy to be me

Posts tagged ‘spring’

Easter crafts with kids

Our shopping list this weekend includes supplies to do the following crafts!…


The instructions and supplies list can be found here
I can see my toddlers loving these on the windows. I can already picture my one year old constantly pointing to the window admiring their artwork ! I might be crazy. 🙂

This project can be found here
This craft is fun because when do they ever use qtips? Kids love anything that’s new and fun. This is also good for motor skills.

This can be found here

Who doesn’t like to get a little messy? Isn’t that part of the fun in art?

Another easter craft we will do is a canvas. I will tape off a cross and let them paint the canvas as they like and once it’s dry I’ll take the tape off to reveal the outline of a cross.

These are all pretty cheap crafts that the kids will really enjoy!

Thanks for reading!

Spring wreath

Well I had a friend come over the other day and when I walked her out I realized I still had my winter wreath up!

How embarrassing!!!! 😉

I attempted a diy Easter egg wreath which involved lots of hot glue and a dash of frustration.


I ended up scratching that wreath all together and stuck a ribbon on this one and hung it up!


A simple wreath but spring enough for me!

I’ll be sure to make a better summer wreath to share! 🙂

Thanks for reading.

Spring to do list

My spring to do list!

Paint a bird house.
We bought a new home in October and need a new bird house!

Fly a kite.
My husband has never flown a kite. No seriously, never. I promise to change this the next nice day we get!

Paint filled egg art
I was looking for something like balloon art but easy for a 1 and 3 year old and came across this unique technique here

Make a spring memory book
I found the idea here

Grow geodes from egg shells
I found here

Spring photo checklist
check it out


The best part is sharing it with these two.

Thanks for reading!
Taco bueno-Michael Curtin

Spring crafts


We made these crafts using tissue paper.

One is a sheep and the other is a sky with flowers.

The sheep I drew a picture and then my three year old dipped the tissue in glue and placed them on the paper.

For the flowers I glued one color to green and then he glued them on the paper add white for clouds, yellow for the sun and blue for the sky.



Blog Wagon


Hopping back on the blog wagon!

We moved to a new home and need some decor!

We will switch what’s in the frames each season.

It being spring we are doing spring like projects!

Once it’s time to change the art I will add to a binder full of their crafts!

This is the way I’ll organize them onto the kitchen wall.




I’ll post the other new crafts once we are done!