happy to be me

Posts tagged ‘craft’

Fingerprint tree


We did a fingerprint tree today for my parents. Grandparents love homemade gifts and they’re fun to make!

We ended up doing a second one so that I could hang one up at home!

I love this idea and they’re fun to do.

We got the free tree template here


Easter crafts with kids

Our shopping list this weekend includes supplies to do the following crafts!…


The instructions and supplies list can be found here
I can see my toddlers loving these on the windows. I can already picture my one year old constantly pointing to the window admiring their artwork ! I might be crazy. 🙂

This project can be found here
This craft is fun because when do they ever use qtips? Kids love anything that’s new and fun. This is also good for motor skills.

This can be found here

Who doesn’t like to get a little messy? Isn’t that part of the fun in art?

Another easter craft we will do is a canvas. I will tape off a cross and let them paint the canvas as they like and once it’s dry I’ll take the tape off to reveal the outline of a cross.

These are all pretty cheap crafts that the kids will really enjoy!

Thanks for reading!


Okay, so I’ve merged the blog I made for my mom with this one.

Look under What’s Gaga Up To to find cool crafts/projects.

Thanks for reading and enjoy!

Diy toddler bed

Ok so it was time to upgrade from crib to toddler bed. We didn’t buy a convertible crib so wanted to make our own.

I got the original bed design


The only reason I didn’t do that exact design is because birch wood is expensive!
My husband made it out of plywood which is a lot cheaper. Thank goodness for a handyman.

I then added batting to the bed and put extra cushion on all the corners.


Finally added chevron print which took five yards! I got it on sale at joanns for 2.99/yard plus 50% off coupon!

We made the bed longer than the other design as well with extra padding below because my kids always want to sleep with toys! It’s also perfect for their stars night lights and what not.

My daughters was done in pink and blue and our sons done with orange and green!


My kids have been sleeping with me since day one and it’s a hard habit to break for this crazy momma but I’m happy that they love their beds!


Thanks for reading!

Gifting is my favorite


I try to be great at gifting.

To me someone’s reaction to a gift you spent time thinking about is the best.

I’m currently getting a baby shower basket ready for a friend who unexpectedly lost her husband a couple months ago. She’s about to have their first child.

I put together a basket I bought from michaels for her that includes…
A stuffed animal
Bed time bath
Nail polish (blue for boy)
Yogurt pretzels
Etsy monthly milestone cards
Month to month cards
Parenting magazine
Baby wipes
Free printed congrats card
Scented lotion and hand soap
Onesie cupcakes
Shutterfly custom photo baby book


These are the cupcake onesies. It’s four onesies, two pairs of socks, a cupcake box, four cupcake liners, tape and a ribbon!
You just roll the onesies with a sock sticking out of the top to make them look like cupcakes! It’s super easy and totally adorable!

The shutterfly book is my favorite. I put it together of pictures of her husband and her with cute sayings throughout. I added spots for her to add photos too such as months 1-4, first vacation, first haircut, baptism etc. I know she will appreciate this and can’t wait to see her face!

Thanks for reading!

Taco bueno-Michael Curtin

Spring crafts


We made these crafts using tissue paper.

One is a sheep and the other is a sky with flowers.

The sheep I drew a picture and then my three year old dipped the tissue in glue and placed them on the paper.

For the flowers I glued one color to green and then he glued them on the paper add white for clouds, yellow for the sun and blue for the sky.



Tadoodles toddler painting

Tadoodles 18+ months


I have good and bad reviews for this one actually!

This is a super messy way of painting! I know I know… Painting with a toddler is always messy but I definitely think this is a huge pain to clean and play with.

My son had a great time as he does with anything that makes a mess so I can’t complain there but me as the cleaner upper don’t want to give it another go.

The station itself gets super messy fom missing the middle section and when he would press them too firmly it would splatter paint everywhere.

Personally I prefer paint brushes over these but everyone has their own opinions. 🙂

Painting rocks


Today we decided to paint rocks!

This might sound silly but it was fun and cheap!


Kyler loves bringing a few rocks inside anyways so when I had him gather a few he was excited to help!


We used easy washable painting sponge tubes… I forget what they’re called at the moment. They’re also scented so he ends up with a few dots in his nose because he can’t resist the smell! 🙂

This was a fun, mess free project that I could definitely see doing again if he wanted!


Big brother nursery gift

We had these three boxes to hang on the wall in our guest room and ended up taking them out and putting them on a shelf in the garage to collect dust.


Now that we are getting the nursery ready for our little girl I would like to do as much DIY projects as possible to make it more homey and of course cheaper!






So I had the idea of having our son Kyler paint the boxes!

He had a great time and they came out super cute!

We used washable children’s paint to keep it as clean as possible.

Of course Ky had a bath immediately after and it easily wipes off of the kitchen floor!

This was definitely fun for all of us and a great gift to his soon to be little sister.





I let them dry and now have them hanging in the nursery and am excited for more projects to come!


Washable children’s paint

I love these Crayola finger paints! It comes out of anything with just water. My little one has a great time painting and I don’t worry about it covering him from head to toe knowing that it will easily come off.



I use his high chair food tray for a lot of things because it’s so easy to clean after. I think he enjoys blending the colors on the tray more than putting it on the paper.



I love doing simple things with him that make him so happy! Next I’m going to get a few canvases so that he can paint a few pictures for the new nursery.