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Posts tagged ‘activity’

Tadoodles toddler painting

Tadoodles 18+ months


I have good and bad reviews for this one actually!

This is a super messy way of painting! I know I know… Painting with a toddler is always messy but I definitely think this is a huge pain to clean and play with.

My son had a great time as he does with anything that makes a mess so I can’t complain there but me as the cleaner upper don’t want to give it another go.

The station itself gets super messy fom missing the middle section and when he would press them too firmly it would splatter paint everywhere.

Personally I prefer paint brushes over these but everyone has their own opinions. 🙂

Alaska Sea Life Center Visit

We are in Seward, Alaska on a weekend vacation and love it here!

It took us about seven hours with stopping a few times to get here from Healy, Alaska where we live.

The main thing in Seward that my husband wanted to do was fishing and he is currently on a half day salmon charter with Millers Landing.

This morning we went to the Sea Life Center for about two hours and had a fantastic time!

They have a little fishing boat to take your picture in a our son absolutely loved it and probably could of stayed there all day!


Kyler (our son) loved just about every part of the center and I would definitely recommend taking your little ones out to explore museums, zoos, aquariums etc whenever you have the chance.


Great views and lots to do in the center.

Kyler especially loved touching the different creatures they have in the two feel tanks which was so cool for all of us to experience.


All in all we had a wonderful time and we would definitely visit again!


Musical Dinosaur

Fisher-Price Go Baby Go! Poppity Pop Muscial Dino

It’s so fun to watch Kyler chase these balls around. He hands them to me to throw in for him at times too.

They bounce out of control and all over the place most of the time but sometimes they go back in themselves.

He really enjoys this toy. I don’t like how he tries to chew on the balls but they’re too big to put into his mouth all the way so safe.

He likes to pull on the knob that’s stuck inside the bouncy hole, not too sure if that will cause him to break it or not but it keeps him occupied since it doesn’t come out!

You drop the balls down the dino’s back or throw them into the center and they either come out the top or out of the dino’s mouth.

This is a lot of fun to watch and play along with him.

You can find this toy at Amazon for $35 which is the cheapest I’ve found so far.



Fisher-Price Little People Zoo Talkers with Animal Sounds

Kyler loves this toy! It’s great because it has so much going on at once. He gets distracted/bored easily of course but this toy keeps him entertained for awhile.

It comes with four figurines but other animals are sold separately.

That little red peg you see on the left bottom of the zoo structure is a place where you sit each animal on and it tells you the name of the animal and then makes the sound of that specific animal. It’s so cute and a great way to teach children the different types of animals.

It also has an easy to carry handle on top for your convenience!

I would most definitely recommend this to you, and I can’t wait to purchase the additional animals!

You can find this item on Amazon for about $30 which is a great price considering all of the different things it does!
